How Management Services Organizations (MSOs) Protect Against Malpractice Insurance Breaches and Enhance Asset Protection

How Management Services Organizations (MSOs) Protect Against Malpractice Insurance Breaches and Enhance Asset Protection Medical malpractice insurance serves as a crucial safeguard for physicians, protecting them from financial ruin in the event of a lawsuit. However, this essential safety net is not infallible. The breach of malpractice insurance by creditors and judgments can pose significant […]

How to Optimize Tax Efficiency with Split Dollar Life Insurance

Drafting plans that will lead them straight to success

Introduction Split dollar life insurance arrangements are sophisticated financial tools that provide unique benefits and flexibility for both employers and employees. Understanding the nuances of these arrangements, particularly the differences between the loan regime and the economic benefit regime, is essential for optimizing tax efficiency. This blog will delve into these differences and explore strategies […]

Tax-Efficient C-Corporation Buy/Sell Arrangements: Using SPLLC and Split Dollar

Introduction: What is a Special Purpose LLC? A Special Purpose LLC (SPLLC) is a legal entity created to manage specific transactions or series of transactions, often for asset protection, tax planning, or other strategic business purposes. These LLCs are tailored to achieve particular financial or operational goals, such as holding life insurance policies, managing real […]

Understanding the Three Most Important Financial Statements for Business Owners and How to Calculate Profit ​

Understanding the Three Most Important Financial Statements for Business Owners and How to Calculate Profit Introduction Financial statements are crucial tools for business owners and executives, providing a comprehensive view of the company’s financial health. This detailed overview will help business owners understand each of the three essential financial statements—the balance sheet, the profit and […]

How to Select the Best Financial Advisor as a Business Owner

How to Select the Best Financial Advisor as a Business Owner Selecting a financial advisor is a critical decision for any business owner. As a Certified Financial Planner with nearly a decade of experience, I’ve seen both sides of the table: seeking financial advice as a business owner and providing it as an advisor. Working […]

Understanding the Value of Assets, Financing, and Cash Flow Savings

Understanding the Value of Assets, Financing, and Cash Flow Savings Unlocking Business Growth: The Importance of Assets and Financing Successful business owners know the crucial distinction between assets and liabilities. Knowing how and when to deploy cash versus reserving it is vital. This blog delves into the basics of assets, their importance, and strategies for […]

No Need to Fear the Accumulated Earnings Tax

As a business owner, the concept of the accumulated earnings tax might seem daunting. However, with the right strategies and understanding, you can navigate this tax with confidence. Let’s break it down in simpler terms and see how you can protect your business. What is the Accumulated Earnings Tax? The accumulated earnings tax is a […]

Sunsets are Beautiful, But This One is a Cliff to Avoid

When people think of sunsets, they often imagine a romantic walk along a beach in the evening. However, in the context of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), the word “sunset” has a very different meaning. In tax law, a sunset is an expiration date for a specific tax provision set by the law when it […]

Understanding Tax Planning Strategies for Small Businesses

team in the office

Tax strategies for small businesses are crucial to their success. Small business owners need to take the necessary steps to effectively manage their taxes and minimize tax liability. Proper financial management isn’t just about revenue, wages, and payroll. It’s also about evaluating assets and reviewing tax exemptions—tasks that accounting software can’t execute. Here are the […]

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