Our client sales cycle begins with gathering the client’s fact pattern and presenting a discussion document. From there, we conduct a feasibility study, finalize the MSO, and design an insurance solution. This process is designed to deliver results for your clients while creating opportunities for you to write significant premium business.
MSO Implementation & Compliance Process
1. Submit Client Fact Pattern
The Strategic Partner provides key narratives around the problem-match, business understanding, client goals, and financial details to assess the suitability of the MSO as a business tool.
2. Present Discussion Document to Client and Stakeholders
A tailored discussion document is presented, outlining the problem-match, identified goals, impact of inaction, and available solutions. It evaluates the MSO’s suitability as a business tool to create cash flow through tax deferral in alignment with the proposed strategy.
3. Engage Feasibility (TRA – Tax & Risk Assessment)
The client initiates a comprehensive feasibility study conducted by an independent tax attorney. This includes an assessment of the problem-match, MSO suitability, management fee structure, tax deferral impact, and cash flow feasibility.
Client Cost: $10,000
4. Review Feasibility TRA with Client and Stakeholders
The findings of the feasibility study are reviewed, assessing MSO suitability, including the management fee range based on a reasonable compensation study, the economic benefit of the problem-match, all associated costs, and any potential risks. In most cases, the MSO is determined to be not only suitable but the recommended business tool in combination with other solutions provided.
5. Execute MSO
Upon client approval, the MSO structure is formally implemented, ensuring proper documentation, entity formation, and adherence to tax and legal guidelines.
Client Cost: $25,000
6. Finalize Strategies and/or Insurance Designs
The problem-match identified in the discussion document and the solution confirmed in the feasibility study, supported by cash flow from the MSO, is presented to the Strategic Partner. These solutions may include strategy diagrams, insurance designs, any associated costs, financial modeling, compliance considerations, and a review with the Strategic Partner prior to client presentation.
Strategic Partner Split: 60/40
7. Present Problem-Match Solutions and/or Insurance to Client
The finalized solutions and/or insurance strategies are presented, demonstrating how they address the problem-match and how MSO cash flow deferral helps fund the strategy while optimizing protection and financial efficiency.
8. Execute Solution, Including Insurance
The recommended problem-match solutions, including insurance, are executed to ensure seamless coordination with the MSO for structural compliance, risk mitigation, and long-term sustainability.